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Friday, August 24, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal #3

Join us at iHomeschool Network every week for the blog hop.

  • In my life this week…
We actually had a pretty relaxing week. We worked hard at the beginning of the weeks, so that we could get everything done and take three days off. It was well worth it. Our goal is to have a four day week next week, too.
  • In our homeschool this week…
We are still studying Egypt in History. Right now that is the kids favorite subject. That is after I scratch off lunch and art. 
  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Be careful what you teach your children. Early in the week we were discussing fire safety and what to do in case of an emergency. Well, that cam back and slapped me in the face. During school work my 5 year old asked to go to the bathroom. He went upstairs and called '911.' I warned both of them about it, too. I guess he just had to test it out to see if I was really serious. 
  • I am inspired by…
Other woman, other moms, other bloggers. 
  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We are staying home. John has to work all weekend and they are crazy hours. We will enjoy some time together next week. 
  • My favorite thing this week was…
Sleeping in, need I say more. 
  • What’s working/not working for us…
With us being a day or so ahead of schedule, our school day is a little more relaxed.
  • Things I’m working on…
I am still crocheting a fall jacket. I haven't worked on it this week. It will be some time before it is done. I am also trying to get the house organized before the holidays get here. 
  • I’m reading…
Forgotten God by Francis Chan
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

This doesn't include what I read to the children. 
  • I’m cooking…
My favorite meal this week was stuffed pork chops. It had a home made stuffing with dried cranberry and apple in it. The whole family loved it. 
  • I’m grateful for…
My husband, he works so hard for this family and sacrifices so much time away. My dream is to get him working from home. We would love to have time to do more ministry work as a family.
  • I’m praying for…
A way for my family to give back to the community. 
  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Jonaya had drawn a great picture of an oxen that I wanted to share. I should have taken a picture of it right away. She can['t find it now. The girl really has artistic talent. 


  1. This sounded like a great week!!! Except for the 911 call :) You've inspired me to get to crocheting. . .a fall jacket sounds lovely.

    Take care!

    1. Thanks, I will have to post pictures of it. Are you on Ravelry? I also have a friend that started a monthly crochet-a-long on Facebook, if you would like to join in.
