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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Homeschool Week 1

We have already completed our first week of school. I used to post along with, A Homeschool Mother's Journal, but I don't know how to do HTML at the new place, so I will just post on my own.

Jonaya is just starting 4th grade and Ian is in Kindergarten. Things were old hat to Jonaya, but it is going to take Ian some time to adjust to doing school work full time.

I think we had a very successful week. I was tired, though. Oh, and the house was a mess. We were able to start studying many different subjects. I have incorporated some things that we weren't doing last year, like some basic computer skills and physical education.  Keeping a boy's attention is so different from a girl.

This year I am taking the time to enjoy my children and their accomplishments. I don't want to stress about grades and tests.


  1. Hey Desiree!

    I'm glad things are getting off to a great start. We don't start our school for another few weeks, but we're still doing our summer schedule. I'll have my daughters in 2nd and 4th and my son in kindergarten. I'll be right there with you on helping my son adjust to full day.

    Happy schooling!

  2. He is doing better this week, but it is still a long day. By the time we are done I am ready to crash.
